епоним tem 15 traduções em 12 línguas

traduções de епоним

BG PT Português 2 traduções
  • epônimo (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something, word formed from a person’s name]
  • epónimo (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something, word formed from a person’s name] (n)
BG EN Inglês 1 tradução
  • eponym (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something]
BG ES Espanhol 1 tradução
  • epónimo (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something, word formed from a person’s name]
BG FR Francês 1 tradução
  • éponyme (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something, word formed from a person’s name]
BG IT Italiano 1 tradução
  • eponimo (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something, word formed from a person’s name]
BG DE Alemão 2 traduções
  • Eponym (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something, word formed from a person’s name] {m}
  • Namensgeber (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something] (n)
BG NL Holandês 2 traduções
  • naamgever (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something]
  • eponiem (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something, word formed from a person’s name] (n)
BG SV Sueco 1 tradução
  • eponym (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something, word formed from a person’s name]
BG PL Polonês 1 tradução
  • eponim (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something, word formed from a person’s name]
BG CS Tcheco 1 tradução
  • eponymum (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something] (n)
BG RU Russo 1 tradução
  • эпо́ним (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something, word formed from a person’s name] (n)
BG JA Japonês 1 tradução
  • 名祖 (n) [name of a person that has given rise to the name of something] (n)